How do I create and send exams?




After logging in with your instructor or administrator account, click on Send Exam tab in the left sidebar. Click on the green New Exam Template button to create a new exam and from the drop-down list, select the question bank you would like to generate an exam from. When you are finished, click on the green Next button to proceed. On the next page, enter a name to fill out the exam name field. This will be visible only to you.

Enter the number of questions you would like to appear on the exam and then, choose if you would like the questions sorted randomly or by user rating. You will have the option of excluding previously send exam questions or including all available questions. When you are done, click on the green Next button.


On this next page, you may select the subjects you would like to cover for this exam or you can choose to use previously flagged questions.

If Use flagged questions is selected, you will be directed to a page showing questions you have previously marked with a red flag. If you check one or more topics, you will be able to see questions from each specific topic in the left-hand column. The system will automatically select questions based on the topic and question order choices. You can delete any unwanted questions by clicking on the trash bin icon.


To see a preview for each of the questions, click on the magnifying glass icon. When you are finished selecting questions, click on the green Send Exam with Template button.

Fill in an assignment name that will be visible to students. Then, determine if you would like to have a time limit on the exam. After selecting the time limit for each question, click on the green Next button. Next, you will be able to send the exam to your students.

Select your students from the list provided or by adding users manually by typing their emails into the empty white box under Selected Recipients on the right of the page.


To remove a student from the distribution list, click on the X next to their name.

You can also save multiple email addresses to a group by clicking on the blue Save as New Group button. This is helpful for sending exams to a certain group of students in the future. When you are finished, click on the green Review Assignment button.

This will be your opportunity to review the exam one last time before you send it to your students. When ready, click on the green Send Assignment button to distribute your new exam to your students.