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  3. Earning and Redeeming CME

How are my CME/MOC credits calculated and submitted?

CME credits are accumulated by the number of unique questions you answer. This number is determined by the overall number of questions within the question bank, but on average it takes about 20 - 25 questions to earn 1 CME hour/1 MOC point.

Credits are calculated as questions are answered and you receive a passing percentage. The required percentage to pass is determined by each individual board. Please refer to the course description.

Completed credits are submitted to the ACCME at the end of each activity. Please keep the email enclosing your certificate in the event that you need to provide justification of your hours.

MOC Credit: Courses that are eligible for MOC with ABIM, ABPath and ABP will be submitted to PARS within 60 days of completion. PARS is the national data repository. Preventive Medicine MOC credit hours will be submitted to the ABPM board quarterly.

All other CME credits (non-MOC) must be self-reported. Please consult each specific board’s website for reporting instructions.