What to do after logging for the first time using your institutional subscription.
Once you’re signed in, select the question bank or banks you will like to use for ease of access.
You can pick up to 5 available questions banks. These can be adjusted at any time for your convenience.
Once you’ve made your selection, click on the “Go To Dashboard” button on the top right.
On your Dashboard, you can easily create custom practice quizzes, as well as access your assignments and review your performance metrics in one simple and easy view.
To switch question banks, simply navigate to the top of the page and click on the question bank tab.
Select the bank of interest and your dashboard will automatically update.
Please note that your performance metrics displayed will reflect the question bank selected.
If you would like to add or remove any question bank on your list, simply click on the question bank tab and select “Add/Remove Question Banks” on the bottom of the list.
From here, you can update the selection of banks to display on your Dashboard.